What Can We Help You With?


What to do First

Read up on what you and your child will do to get started and the first steps of using iLearn Math.


How iLearn Works

Learn all the details about iLearn Math and how your child will succeed and advance in the curriculum.


Suggested Use

Curious about iLearn's recommended use? Read about how we recommend using iLearn in your home.

Monitor Progress

Find all of the right data you need to monitor your child's progress and success in iLearn and learn how to set up email notifications each time your child succeeds!

Quick Answers for Parents

What does my child do first?

After their account is created, when students access iLearn for the first time they will watch two brief introduction lessons and then complete the Placement Tests to be placed into the program at their appropriate level of instruction.

Do we just click start?

Yes! To advance in iLearn, your child will just click the start button at the Hub. The program will automatically launch the right element to work on.

How do we save?

You will never need to save anything, as iLearn does that for you every few seconds. All of your child’s progress are saved in the cloud, so you don’t need to save or keep track of what your child has completed.

How do I see my child's progress?

You can review everything your child has completed in iLearn by logging in with their account and in the navigation bar selecting “History.” Here, you and your child can review all of the content through which they have advanced, or view Test Review (see more about Review Mode and Test Review here). You can also select “Detailed Reports” to view the available reports on your child’s activity and progress.

When should I help my child?

iLearn Math is designed for independent learning by your child. You should avoid helping them answer questions in tests (green background). In other parts of the program (blue background), we recommend helping them understand how to answer correctly rather than answering questions for them.

Read All FAQs

Have Questions Not Covered Here?

Our support team is available to assist you with any questions you have about iLearn. We are here to help you!

Technical Support is available Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern

Contact Support at 1-877-789-2088 opt. 5 or techsupport@ilearn.com