Topic Test Scores Detail

The Topic Test Scores Detail report is available at the student level only. It displays all Topic tests a student completed, in the order of completion, and the percent correct on tests. In the examples below, the report is shown as a teacher navigating to the student level.

Click options to change the Topic Test (TT) Goal. The TT Goal highlights in green all scores that equal or exceed the set goal (or Cut-Score), indicating the Topic tests the student complete to your specification. The default TT Goal is 80%.

The Topic Test Scores Detail report displays all Topic Tests  a student completed, in sequential order by date. If a student completed the same Topic Test multiple times, the report will list each score.

  1. Location - The location of the Topic Test in vBook
  2. Topic - The title of the Topic
  3. Time - The time in minutes of each Topic Test
  4. # Right - The number of correct answers in the Topic Test
  5. # Wrong - The number of incorrect answered in the Topic Test
  6. % Correct - The percent correct on the Topic Test. If highlighted green, the score meets or exceeds the TT Goal.
  7. Date (Eastern) - The date and time (Eastern) the student completed the Topic Test

Use the Topic Test Scores Detail report to view all Topic Tests completed by a student, and see completed tests that met your minimum requirement.