Student Test Scores

The Student Test Scores report is available at the student level only. It displays all tests in iLearn Math a student has completed. In the example below, the report is shown as a teacher navigating to the student level.

The Student Test Scores report displays a table of contents for the iLearn Math curriculum. iLearn Math is structured by grades, Units, Chapter, and Lessons. At the beginning of each Unit there is a Unit Challenge Test, and at the end of each Unit there is a Unit Mastery Test. At the beginning of each Chapter there is a Chapter Challenge Test, and at the end of each Chapter there is a Chapter Mastery Test. When passing a Challenge Test, a student exempts all content in that Unit or Chapter.

The Student Test Scores report displays the score and date for Unit Challenge, Unit Mastery, Chapter Challenge, and Chapter Mastery tests.

Use the Student Test Scores report to show the student or parent how well the student is progressing through iLearn Math, to document an IEP, or to document pre- and post-test progress at the levels of learning.