The Progress Monitoring Summary by Student report is available at the teacher, school administrator, and district administrator levels. It allows educators to view a specific a student's progress at each grade level measured by Progress Monitoring assessments.
From the first drop down menu, select the class the student is in you would like to view. School administrators will first select a teacher. District administrators will first select as school, then a teacher.
From the second drop down menu, select the student you would like to view.
Click "View Report" once you have selected the correct student.
Weekly Summary Trend Lines - For each progress monitoring assessment a student completes, the percent correct will be charted by grade level. Once a student has passed a progress monitoring assessment, the next progress monitoring assessment the student takes should be at a higher grade level.
Data Table - Displays the percent correct the selected student scored on each progress monitoring assessment. The week count shows the week of the year (out of 52 weeks in a year).
Use this report to track a student's progress back to grade level throughout the school year.