Progress Detail

The Progress Detail report is available at the teacher level only. It displays all elements each student in a class or all classes has attempted in vBook.

  1. Date Range - Choose a date range to view which elements students have attempted in vBook. The maximum date range cannot exceed 90 days.
  2. Options - Change options to change what appears in the report.
    • ​All Classes - Choose to view all classes, multiple class, or a specific class.
    • All Students - After choosing multiple classes or a specific class, choose which students in those classes to view.
    • TT Goal - Change the Topic Test Goal to reflect if students passed or failed a Topic Test by your standards. The default is 80%.
  3. Export - Export to PDF or Excel.
  1. Student - Name of the student in the class or classes selected.
  2. Location - The location in vBook in which the student attempted work.
  3. Date - The date in which the student attempted work in that location in vBook.
  4. Activity - The activity the student attempted.
  5. Topic Title - The title of Topic in which the student attempted work.
  6. Lesson Title - The title of the Lesson in which the student attempted work (if a Topic Test or Topic Practice, Lesson Title will be blank).
  7. Status - Displays a checkmark if the student completed the element. Displays a score if the element was a Topic Test. If blank, the student did not complete the element.
  8. Question Right - The number of questions the student answered correctly in that element (if Lesson Instruction, Questions Right will be 0).
  9. Questions Wrong - The number of questions the student answered incorrectly in that element (if Lesson Instruction, Questions Wrong will be 0).
  10. Percent Correct - The percent correct rate of answers submitted by the student in that element.
  11. Time(Min) - The time in minutes that the student worked in that element.

The Progress Detail report will display all elements a student completed in the date range selected. If a student did not complete the element, and reenters that same element at a later time, the element will display twice in this report.

Use this report to track what elements students are working on in vBook, to make sure that students are working on the Lessons or Topics assigned by the teacher.