Assignment Summary

The Summary report for Assignments is available at the teacher and school administrator levels. It displays all assignments assigned to students, metrics and completion status. In the example below, the report is shown at the teacher level.

The Assignment summary report is different from most of the data reports, in that it can be grouped by Assignment, by Class, or by Student.

Below is an example of the Assignment summary filters and options:

  1. Assignment Type - Select to view All Assignment Types, just Homework/Classwork, or iLearn Learning Progression assignments.
  2. Assignment - Select one or multiple assignments. Remove assignments by clicking the "x" next to the name.
  3. Group Report - Change the group to report by Assignment, Class, or Student.
  4. ​Options - Specify the exact data to view.
    • Select Class(es) - Select one or multiple classes. Remove classes by clicking the "x" next to the class.
    • Student(s) - Select one multiple students. Remove students by clicking the "x" next to the name.
  5. View Report - Always click "View Report" when you have altered the options.

The information the column headers indicate:

  1. Class - Name of the class
  2. Assignment - Name of the assignment
  3. Student - Name of the student assigned to the assignment
  4. Gr. - Enrolled grade level of the student assigned to the assignment
  5. Type - Type of assignment - Homework/Classwork or iLearn Learning Progressions
  6. Due Date - Due date of the queue (can be extended for one or many students in the Assignment Manager)
  7. Status - Checkmark verifies the student completed all elements in that assignment
  8. Date Comp. - Date the student completed the last element in the assignment
  9. Hrs. - The time in hours the student was active in that assignment

The default filter for the Assignment Summary report is by Assignment, sorted alphabetically.

In the example to the left, the assignment names are in red and two student names are in yellow. Under each assignment are listed the students assigned. Since students can be assigned to more than one assignment, students may be listed under multiple assignments.

If the report is grouped by Class, classes in alphabetical order display each student along with each of the student's assignments. Grouping by Student displays all students in alphabetical order.

Expand this report to show details by clicking the arrow to the left of each row. Details include the percent complete, and number of items completed out of the total number of items. If the queue includes no tests, "n/a" displays for "Average Score." For Learning Progression Assignments and chapter level Homework/Classwork assignments, Average Score will display the average for paired challenge and mastery tests, but only for pairs of tests in which a Challenge and Mastery test was completed.

The "Detail" tab displays a more detailed breakdown of the student's work: here we see the queue "Paige Factors & Prime OA4". Each element such as Lesson Challenge and Lesson Instruction is listed. The columns indicate important data for each element:

  1. Location - Location of the element in iLearn Math/Assignments.
  2. Standard - The associated standard.
  3. Type - The element type. It will display:
    • CC - Chapter Challenge Test
    • CM - Chapter Mastery Test
    • LC - Lesson Challenge Quiz
    • LI - Lesson Instruction
    • LP - Lesson Practice
    • CP - Chapter Practice
  4. Chapter - Name of the chapter in iLearn Math/Assignments.
  5. Lesson - Name of the lesson in iLearn Math/Assignments.
  6. Status - Displays "Passed", "Failed", "Bypassed", or "Exempted." Passed on a challenge quiz or test indicates a sufficient score to exempt all elements in the lesson, or lessons in the chapter. Failed indicates the challenge or mastery criterion was not met. Bypass indicates a student chose not to take the lesson challenge quiz (LC) and to proceed directly to the lesson instruction (LI) and lesson practice (LP). Exempted indicates elements in a lesson or lessons in a chapter that were exempted by a successful challenge of a lesson challenge quiz or chapter challenge test.
  7. Completed - Date of completion.
  8. Score - Displays the % correct for Chapter Challenge and Mastery Tests.
  9. Minutes - Time in minutes the student spent in each element.

Notice the page numbers at the bottom of the 'Detail' tab:

To view each element of an extended queue, click the arrow next to the page numbers.

Use this report to track student progress in an assigned queue, and to see how students are performing on individual elements in a queue.