Assignment Progress Summary

The Assignment Progress Summary report is available at the teacher level. It allows a teacher to view each students activity in a selected assignment.

First select a class and a queue.

  1. Select Class - Click to select a class.
  2. Select Assignment - Click to select a queue.
  3. Options
    • Select Queue Type - Accept the default "All," or choose between "Homework" and "Learning Progression" assignments.
    • Select Student - Accept "All Students" or click specific students.
    • Report Type - Accept the default "Both," or choose between Chapters Only and Lessons Only.
  4. View Report - Always Click "View Report" after making changes.
  5. Export - Export to PDF or Excel.
  1. Student - name of the student
  2. Assignment Hrs - hours of activity in selected queue
  3. % Assignment Complete - percent of elements (such as LI, LP) in the queue that are completed
  4. Last in Assignment - last date of activity in the selected assignment
  5. Chapter Title - chapter name in which the lessons of the queue are located
    • Lesson Title - name of the lesson in the program
  6. Element - May display CC (Chapter Challenge), LC (Lesson Challenge Quiz), LI (Lesson Instruction), LP (Lesson Practice), CP (Chapter Practice), and CM (Chapter Mastery)
  7. ​Metrics
    • Exempted - number of students exempting the element of that column
    • Completed - number of students completing the element of that column
    • In Progress - number of students with activity in, but not completing the element of that column
    • Not Started - number of students not starting the element of that column
    • Not Assigned - number of students not assigned to the queue
  8. Key
    • Exempted by Challenge - Green displays when a student exempts the element(s) by passing
    • Completed - Blue displays when a student completes the element
    • In Progress - Yellow displays when the student starts but does not complete element.
    • Not Started - White displays when a student has not started the element.