Activity Outside of Class Report

The Activity Outside of Class report is available at the teacher, school and district admin levels and allows educators to view time students have spent in the program outside of weekday hours of your choosing, and more importantly, Lessons, Chapters, or Units that were exempted in those hours. In the example below, the Activity Outside of Class report is described at the district level.

Teachers can view the Activity Outside of Class report for all classes, or a specific class. District administrators select the Report Level as School Detail, Teacher Detail, and Student Detail.

  1. Choose a date range. The default is all days this school year.
  2. Select Normal Activity Hours. The default is 8:00am - 4:00pm (weekdays only). The hours you select are the hours exlcuded from the report, so you can also narrow the hours to just your class period(s). Weekend activity is always included.
  3. Select the Report Level. The Teacher Detail offers the most complete and detailed data.

The Activity Outside of Class report shows any activity students of each grade level outside of selected hours. This helps you identify inappropriate help a student may receive. The report displays depending on the Report Level chosen, but always shows theamount of time and the number of elements exempted and mastered.

  • School Detail (district level only): the number of students that have activity outside of selected hours.
  • Teacher Detail: each teacher at each school with students that have activity outside selected hours.
  • Student Detail: students that have activity outside of selected hours.

The Activity Outside of Class report at the teacher level.

The exempted columns may be the most helpful, specifically Units or Chapters that were exempted by Challenge test outside the selected hours. To see more detail for the students, open the Highlights report, click the student and identify specifically when the Unit or Chapter was exempted.

Export this report to PDF or to Excel.