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Top FAQs

What do students do first?

When students start iLearn for the first time they will complete the Placement Tests to be placed into the program at their appropriate level of instruction. Alternatively, your school or district can assign the Universal Screening assessment for students to complete in place of the Placement Tests. Click here to learn more about Universal Screeners and Placement Tests.

Can iLearn function on tablets?

For Fall 2016, we plan to have iPASS content K-5 available on tablets, desktops, laptops, and Chromebooks – for more information, contact iLearn Implementation.

Where are the iLearn Hub and program buttons?

In transitioning to a new system, accessing content will change slightly. On logging in, students click “Start” to begin iLearn Math (formerly named iPASS). As Assignments (formerly MyQ) and Assessments (formerly iKnow) are made available, they appear on the student’s Hub. The functionality of each program remains the same, the way they are accessed and their names are different.

Do students just click Start?

Yes! This year when students log in, all they need to do is click Start.

Why did iLearn make things look different?

We know it can be frustrating when the appearance changes, however, sometimes this is necessary. While transitioning from Flash to HTML it is necessary for the appearance to be quite different. We’ve tried to make it as simple as possible, but we know it is something new to learn. To see the differences in detail, click here.

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Technical Support is available Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern

Contact Technical Support at 1-877-789-2088 opt. 5 or techsupport@ilearn.com